Property Taxes
We're out on the campaign trail every day and we hear your frustration. Property revaluations are hitting HARD.
Here in Portage County, home values have increased 30-40%, which means we can expect somewhere around a 15% increase in property taxes next year. And this is happening to all Ohioans due to the current revaluation cycle.
The good news is, bills have been sitting in the Ohio legislature to provide the relief you need but nothing is going to move without your engagement. Can it still happen in this General Assembly?
Folks, I'm here to do something about this. Read on to educate yourself... then raise your voice at the polls!
There are almost 40 pending Property Tax Bills in the Ohio Legislature. Here are a few...
Call Your Legislator
Respectfully Request a Floor Vote
Engage in the Dialogue
Ohio Auditors' Association Recommendations
If the legislature will not act on current legislation in this lame duck session, Heidi Workman is supportive of the Ohio Auditors' Association recommendations, combined with the most beneficial relief in Ohio's pending bills and upcoming federal legislative activity.